Evangelion EVA-Unit 08α Bandai RG model build and mods - Wille Edition - Episode 05

Evangelion EVA-Unit 08α Bandai RG model build and mods 
Wille Edition - Episode 05

Welcome to the pontos fathom hobbies video Evangelion Eva Unit-08α Bandai RG Model Build and Mods - Wille edition - Episode 05. Finished watching the Rebuild of Evangelion and Evangelion 3.0+1.0 and building the Bandai RG Eva Unit-08.  In this video I do the model build with some mods of swords from an evangelion gunpla custom mod kit . Please like, subscribe, and share and explore the links to support our channel.  We would love to hear from you so please leave a comment.

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welcome back everyone to pontos fabo hobbies uh this is our paint through of evangelion unit zero eight i was gonna do uh model unit two but i decided to go with uh unit eight after i watched uh evangelion 3.0 plus 1.0 thrice upon a time so asuka's eva will be next so let's do mari's ava first and uh we'll get to it so we will uh don't worry my next able will be to be to build the uh unit model two so let's jump in uh first off i'm going to fast forward us through the unboxing of the uh uh rga model it's uh you know these are classic it's got some great shots here i'm working my way through all of the evangelion um models so uh and i've i have been custom painting all of them uh i i believe my first model build was unit 0 and i did the custom paint to make it the blue color like in neon genesis evangelion then i did a another custom paint on unit 0 again with the gold color and then the last ava i had built was shinji's unit 1.

i'm going to do this i'm not going to do the painting on this one in this bit i'm just going to do the initial build of i'm having some problems with my my airbrush so i'll probably do a cleaning video on that i think i just need to do some cleaning so anyway as you can see this has come great color palette in the already injected printed plastic comes with the instruction manual

there's a lot a couple of shades of pink here there's a couple of shades of purple there's a brown there's grays yellows whites so lots of different pieces there's some clear green and some clear red translucent green and translucent red pieces so really great injection molds for these so really looking forward to uh painting these just getting them with all my tools out getting the instructions ready here and

let's go

uh in my past uh build unit one i said i was going to try to do the breakdown by cutting all the pieces and sanding them all and then assembling them but i i still seem to like to do it part by part i think that's my build vibe i guess i just want to um kind of go ahead and

follow the instruction clip out the next piece uh file it down cut off any any rough spots smooth it out and then build it and then i also like as you can tell i like to build from the instruction booklet where i can kind of put the pieces that are coming up next right on the booklet and then i can work to shave them down and sand them send them off and then assemble them right there so sort of build following the instruction booklet hey and leave a comment below guys how do you like to build your um evangelions or your gun pla do you cut all your pieces off and then um assemble them again this is for the first build usually if i'm going to do a custom paint i will do my first basic assembly and then i'll disassemble it and then paint so let me know how you guys do it in the comments below the classic bonde rg evangelion torso super flexible

uh snapping on some of the torso armor here you can see the curved spine i've got some of those armors on and then finally the the bottom bottom piece snapped in yeah it's looking pretty good they i've noticed on this um unit eight they give you a couple different colors for some of the um armor pieces so there's a there's a pink piece there's a yellow piece there's a couple of spare components there's uh in the plug entry i think they give us a red piece and a pink piece so yeah interesting how they give you some swap out pieces i have broken some of those plug entry pieces before so it's nice to have some spares there okay building legs always great design to build the legs it's tricky with the legs where you have to make sure you get all of those make sure you cut them out flush because you can see that there's sometimes there's bits that won't allow the piece to fit well obviously the shoes another great component here oh you can see that that hip joint is actually from a custom build so you'll see that later when i have the swords i'm going to give mari swords in this one so

this elbow piece is always a little tricky arm color is really great right the orange brown white super cool i'm going to work on the other arm here i'm going to start working on the the two fins and the shoulder covers you can see these are coming together

i do like that ava unit uh av unit zero without the fins i've got one unit zero with the fins and one unit zero without the fins and those extra shoulder covers that are on her her uh on um on unit zero are pretty cool so you can build it two ways this is that massive canon this is just fantastic

just kind of cleaning off some of the some of the uh sprue and sand them down

like i said i'm just going with the basic build this one i will i may do a part two of this and repaint it in the future but i think for now i kind of want to get the build out uh sort of to celebrate even gelling in 3.0 plus 1.0 hey and while i'm building guys let me know i've got another channel called pontus fathom press if you're interested over there i do a weekly podcast it's more along our book side of things so we do science fiction and philosophy psychology type stuff occult topics and i am going to do an evangelion podcast all through the month of september and we'll be covering topics around psychology evangelion looking at how the evangelion series fits with freud jung

and also how it fits in psychoanalysis in a way in a way i i have this idea that evangelion is kind of like the psychoanalysis of anime right so i i and not just about anno's story but but uh but yeah so if you're interested in that check over my other uh my other uh channel called paultos fathom press and we do a weekly podcast you can only also check the links below i have links to um website instagram post daily so your support helps a lot hey i really like these sites on this gun though isn't that cool those those uh red crystals just look so great the way the light can shine through them and the green crystals as well i'm trying to catch the light here so you can see the light shine through i may do the mod with the mari one i i just picked up a uh a small drill finally so now i'm getting into the final assembly got the arms in place the head on get the legs placed you can see those hip hip units came from a custom build kit that they can hold swords so i left those purple

and we'll have a have um unit eight with swords first so there you go there's a sword uh add-on there just do a quick showing of how this sword comes out i've already i actually have painted these swords these have been painted with an aluminum skull skull collar and also the scabbards as well have been coated with a metallic spray spray so so that's that's it uh got the build completed unit eight with swords let's go into the the glamour shots and uh kind of walk you through them so i've got this one with those hips with the two swords i did not put any decals on yet again because i want to paint these still so i will have a second video at some point where i custom paint these maybe a pink candy coat i want to um clean up my my airbrush and get to that and then uh i may i might paint this at the same time that i paint my unit too so my next build will be asaka's uh ava unit 2. so you guys can check that out and i'll do candy coast for both so then the final shot i'm going to swap those hips out for just the standard um hip covers on the upper leg so go back to the pink ones and i'm going to swap out the swords for the i'll swap out the swords for the giant rifle cannon

yeah this just looks fantastic this is very fun to pose and very fun to shoot it really gives the spirit of of mari

what do you guys think uh who's your favorite after evangelion osuka fans still out there i'm still a huge asuka fan ray fan and amari fan but i've been getting into mario a bit recently just since uh i've rewatched all of the rebuild series and she is a quite cool character so ava unit 8 is definitely homage to her there she is in the background let's zoom in on her zoom back out and thanks a lot for watching guys please like and subscribe and we will see you in the next uh evangelion build video like i mentioned it will be uh asaka's unit 2 so thank you for watching uh check out our podcast on evangelion all month over on pontos fabin press and thanks for your comments and your subscription bye
