Dune Boardgame S2E1 - Season 2 EP1 - Harkonnen v Atreides Gameplay Turn 1

Dune Boardgame Season 2 - Harkonnen v Atreides Gameplay 

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welcome back everyone to ponzo's fathom hobbies this is season two episode one of dune gale force nine it's uh the first turn of our game play and we are celebrating the dune movie release this month uh we did a quick setup video uh we've stripped the game down to fredman atreides and harkonnen kind of in the spirit of the doom film also shout out to dune revenant fiction hardcover 25th anniversary edition of the uh original finnish attempt to complete the frank herbert saga a little bit of internet history here too as this evolved out of early days of internet and usenet check it out it supports the channel links below you can also check out font pontos fathom press where we also do podcasts every week and have lots of our books over there up for sale so you can check that out okay so let's get right into it we'll um we've got the markers on turn one it is now the storm phase we'll do a quick uh spin of the wheel here sort of spin the wheel around

and come up with the number is 14. so let's just kind of do one two three

okay so we'll have the storm start here

okay 14 and one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14. now okay so we'll start at 14 and uh we will get out our handy rule book here yeah so first spice uh first storm we just moved the storm marker um in subsequent storm phases we will use the storm cards so let's go ahead and

the first player in front of the store marker is player one so we're going to start off with the tradies

so let's do the spice blow first off

uh spice blow let's move these over

trader cards can go here spice blow we've already passed out trader and treachery cards okay so we've got the sahaya ridge add six spice on the sihaya ridge there's a spice blow there so let's go ahead and do that so get six spice and see haya ridge


add six spice on the sihaya ridge so those spice are there so we've add our spice in nexus phase we don't have shaholud on the board chome charity you can move up to chum charity everyone has spice so we cannot play chome charity let's go to the bidding phase so players bid to acquire treachery cards let's just check out our treachery cards here so um harkonnens have got ammo

chani shout out mice and lady jessica for their trader cards um

so that was hardcoded so this should be harkonnen this is arconium this is fremen fremen have dr yui in the last gun and the atreides have

beast robon and the shield okay so let's uh

let's jump into uh acquire treasury card so again like obviously you guys know as we did this last time the the players are

not really going to play through bidding and things like this but we can just get some treachery cards passed out to them just to kind of simulate some game play for turn one

the worthless card okay and then let's do a revival phase there is no revival right now so we've got treachery cards there is no revival um and then let's go into

movement phase shipment and movement phase starting with the first player going counterclockwise so we will go into movement phase so in front of the shield storm it would be the fremen first

so the freeman can move

let's see how we want to move here so

so the fretment can actually move two territories so maybe they will try to


so they're here one and they can move to the shield wall too

and they cannot get to that spice yet but it's okay they are there um

shipping and moving each player takes ships and brings them down so i think that their tradies will move into the imperial basin here

maybe tradies will move like this into imperial basin our conan's also can move into the imperial basin similar number and

let's see what happens here uh we can move it to battleface and let's have the harkonnens just we'll just randomly uh what i'll do is i'll flip these over just to make it kind of fun for us we'll flip these over and we'll just shuffle them up like this right so tradies we'll just make it ai a bit tradies will get one harkonnens will get one right just flip them over we'll put these on the wheels

let's put them um let's just set the wheels to three and three right three and three

right i will flip this wheel over like this and i will put the player card here

right and then i'll also flip the wheel over three and put the player in here okay and we'll do the battle phase one two three and we get thufer hawat for three so it's five six seven eight against captain iacon nefud so it's five and eight but the harkonnens have

they don't have a trader card so the um winner of this is going to be

the winner of this battle is going to be the uh tradies so

the winners that dialed highest weapons killed leaders any leaders killed or immediately pushed faced up in the totally lack two tanks so this guy is killed uh he is not killed so he can go back in the box units get killed

it's three and three but the tradies have an extra unit so they're in imperial basin here these units get killed and let's move into uh

next door in battle phase is done let's move to spice harvest phase spice harvest phase

forces and territories with spice can collect spice nobody's in the spice space right now and so we go into the mint pause phase factions can declare a winner take some time to evaluate the positions turn the counter so we will move to mint tap phase and that is going to wrap up uh our turn one let's uh just advance this to turn two and we'll see you guys in the next turn we've got the fremen trying to go for that spice uh the atreides have beat the harkonnens in the first round and we'll see you in turn two thanks a lot for watching guys bye
