Cthulhu Wars S3E1 Season 3 EP1 - Hastur, Nyarlathotep, Azathoth - Gameplay
Welcome to pontos fathom hobbies video of Cthulhu Wars S3E1 Season 3 EP1 - Hastur, Nyarlathotep, Azathoth - Gameplay Turn 1. Its Yellow Sign month at pontos fathom hobbies with all things King in Yellow - Yellow Sign Carcosa and Hastur. Here is a link to the full Cthulhu Wars Season 3 game playlist Thank you for watching and let me know your thoughts in the comments below!
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welcome back everyone to pontus fam hobbies this is cthulhu the wars season three episode one we are playing the azathoth expansion and it will be as a part of our yellow sign month it's yellow sign hastur versus
nyarlathotep crawling chaos and they have the potential to summon
azathoth that demon sultan himself and as you notice these are all painted miniatures i had a great time painting these and i've got to say i've learned a lot about painting miniatures from this these sculpts they're bigger than a lot of sculpts you can see that my cultists are are here and feel free to go check out the
miniature painting videos that we have so in our last video we've done the setup for this game and we will go ahead and kick off turn one uh so obviously as you guys know cthulhu awards is a multiple player game i'm not playing any special single player rule so this is more like a simulation but one thing i really wanted to try out is in addition to crawling chaos and their spell books and yellow sign in their spell books and their devastations we now have these new mechanics of azathoth with the azathoth spell books and also azathoth special nuclear chaos so we i i'm kind of going into this with the idea of let's just activate all the different components from the azathoth set hey there's there's some great videos on youtube of people walking us through this stuff this will be more like a play through to get me familiar with the rules we've got elder things dimensional shamblers servators of the outer gods and star vampires in the mix so the elder things look quite cool right we've got this star vampire munching away at a victim
and we've got
we've got the king in yellow himself in addition to astor
and we've got
dimensional shamblers and servitors of the outer gods as well to round things out from the expansion set so we'll be trying to play all of these figures
and hopefully you guys will enjoy them and like i said go check out that painting video it's it's pretty comprehensive so we've got the board set up we've got our players so let's jump right into turn one i'll move these aside we're going to start off with the turn marker on crawling chaos obviously left and right turn doesn't matter but we'll just kind of go back and forth between the two i think also i want to raise this up so you guys can see the bottom of the board a little better how's that
okay so we'll start off with crawling chaos uh both factions have eight power so let's get into it i'll move these boards these off the board we've got our phases of play so we're gonna start out in the action phase and we'll take turns uh cycling
cycling through the the first phase so we'll have one thing that the calling chaos player can do is they can move two spaces so they will move one two to north america for a move
and then they'll also move
you can perform one action per turn
yeah so that's that's good i can move this one down to seven and then um
uh we'll also have the yellow sign player can move to arctic ocean and that reduces them by one and we keep going back and forth until we've run out of uh
run out of things so let's see what cards we're gonna play as you as your action pay for power okay well sure like as my action well maybe first i'm going to spawn a gate so i can spawn a gate
from -3 power i'll spawn again north america so that gives me one two three crawling chaos uh they can go ahead and
they can mark something with that glyph so
maybe we can have them go to a location with that glyph which would mean uh moving to the north pacific
let me moving to the north
huh maybe i should have done that first okay we'll skip that for now let's have them also spawn a gate so they'll spawn a gate up in the arctic ocean from minus three
and then uh we'll also
our final move will be we will get a our first spell book for four points and we'll start off with
now let's see what we can do emissary of the outer gods seek and destroy
the thousand forms
we can eliminate things from battles i think that's pretty good actually so i think i'm to play my first spell book is invisibility pre-battle select one monster or cultist that'll be the first one we buy so we'll go ahead with that we're out of power and then let's see what um what yellow sign gets to do they'll move down to north atlantic for one then they'll get to move down to africa for two and
to desecrate an area let's see how they desecrate
let's see how they desecrate so the desecration of yellow sign let's have them desecrate africa so their actual action phase is
uh desecration and we'll go check out how they're going to do that so we'll start out with a yellow sign
doom phase we have to move to yellow sign i think this is cthulhu crawling chaos black goat yellow sign
in king and yellow despite its lack of combat is a terror it moves uniquely around the board with undead action you don't spend much power in summoning monsters
yellowstone is constrained by his need to desecrate certain areas if you can keep him out of africa or the americas you stop their progress okay swording the yellow sign
so so yeah he's going to desecrate africa they're going to desecrate africa and let's just see what they have to do for that
we need to we need to awaken the king in yellow first so to awaken the king and yellow we must have a unit in arrow with a gate and we must pay for power the king uh goes in that area okay so instead of moving this guy to africa we'll take our motion back two we'll have four power
and the king appears in that area so we will we will spawn the king in yellow on this gate so we spawn king of yellow on this gate and we're going to end our turn with zero power so action turn is over all right so great so now he's the one who can come in and desecrate africa so we've gotten two gates they've got two gates we've got the king and king and yellow and
did i miss something up here
it just seems like i spent an extra four that oh yeah so i guess they don't do this then right they won't do that one so they've moved one which is six they spawn a gate one two three eight one one two three and four okay they can do that and crawling chaos has spawned two gates but why are we out of power already so let's just see we have eight seven and then
oh we bought a card okay so we've got a spell book and they've got um that's the difference so we so we both spawned two gates sorry sorry sorry guys uh we both spawned two gates and they've spawned the king in yellow and we've spawned that and now they can pick a spell book for the king in yellow and they will pick
when one or more of your occultists are eliminated by an enemy you gain a power so that will go on to theirs and unique ability feast gain one par for each area containing a desecration token in one or more of your units okay we've got no desecration units so that's going to wrap up the movement turn of the phase now let's go to our gather power phase so gather power we get so let's start off with uh crawling chaos they get one per cultist so they get six one two three four five six plus they get oops plus they get two per controlled gate so they get four one two three four and plus they get
power for any special abilities
no special abilities select one monster for each plot filing pilot president exempt it no and then next we will do uh yellow sign so yellow sign will gather power again they get six they go to six
then they get to have two controlled gates so they're also at 10
that's it so nobody's at half power so everybody's equal and we can go to determine first player
uh there's no one has more power so i guess it remains
plus one doom per control gate so we can move the doom track ahead i believe these actually go down here now i think i've got that that way and we can use that for the doom track i guess so
so yellow sign gets one two for the gates
and we also get two for the gates
and then it says uh rituals of annihilation are played in order only plus one doom per controlled gate and one elder sign per faction great old one so rituals of annihilation how do we play rituals of an annihilation for rituals of annihilation
we'll go to the index i guess
doom phase is 35. so let's go to 35 and we'll do rituals of annihilation right so cert 35
after each player richardson is starting with the first player proceeding in order each player chooses to perform a ritual of annihilation or not spend power equal to the current position on the ritual marker on the track advance okay so this round we're not going to do any rituals of annihilation i think we'll just hold off for that but we can do it in next turn now we're going to start to have to gather some power to uh because one of the one of the things i'm trying out here is trying to try out the azathoth set so i think we'll call it uh we'll call it a turn at this we've got
um no other special abilities to discuss here
no cult is captured so that'll be turn one uh thank you guys for watching i'm looking forward to getting these azathoth players on the board as well as the star vampire the elder thing and the servitor of the outer gods and the dimensional shamblers so i'm gonna sort of conserve my power at the beginning just to get those pieces in play and we'll see you on the next turn over here somewhere thanks for watching bye
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