Evangelion - Eva Unit 05 Mass Production Bandai HG - Model Build Episode 6

Evangelion - Eva Unit 05 Mass Production Bandai HG - Model Build Episode 6

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welcome to pontos fallon hobbies it's model build time we're working on the ava model 5 mass production unit from end of evangelion and uh checking out the box here uh it's got some great illustrations some model photos with custom painting and the decals looks great i'm excited to build this one you've got asuka in in kaji ryoji so yeah let's get into it i was going to build asuka first but um i got i picked this up from amazon japan uh it's an hg model so i can already tell by looking at this the the the components here that it's definitely i can tell the difference between hg and rg now so not so much of a noob but i got this unboxed but i'm excited to build it and i i thought it would be cool to have this uh end of evangelion i think is coming to be my favorite of the franchise now that uh uh rebuild the van by galleon is completed i think end of evangelion still is my sweet spot and i think uh for me in the series at the highlight and i think the asaka battle with uh these mass production avas is so classic and so um iconic so i thought i'd build this one out i was excited to build this and um i can already tell from building these models that they're a little bit i mean obviously it's the difference it's the gap between hg and rg so uh i'm going into this with just the open mind and i'm i already could tell a little bit from my initial building that some of that uh evolution that happened between hg and rg really advanced the model builders experience i mean the interior skeleton of the rg evangelions is really a genius design but there's some clever things here that the the rubber joint sockets i thought is kind of a nice touch it does give some uh interesting connectivity and build and it's very modular so it's kind of cool i definitely like looking at the sculpt differences between the models like for example these feet are cool enough but uh model building makes you hungry let's have a snack and then get back to it so then building the legs out again here i'm noticing also the plastic is very soft there's two kinds of plastic here there's some rubbery plastic and then there's a very soft plastic and i'm noticing to be very careful with sanding it or even um cutting off the any any uh any nubs that are on the on the pieces because you can there you could really carve into the plastic and i've done it a couple times like you'll ruin the piece so i actually ruined one of the the knee joints and i had to glue it back together so i did that off camera so when i was trying to uh reassemble it the plastic is so kind of soft that it just tore and i was able to just use a rubber cement to fix it but yeah so be careful d assembling this is not as easy as disassembling an rg you have to be very careful with these hg's because some of the especially the joint pieces they're very uh sensitive i think the rubbery ones are okay you can kind of but i wonder over time if they become loose so hey leave a comment below if you have experience building these hg evangelions this will be the only one i buy of the hg series i'm not going to go back and get the other ones as you can see these arm articulation i was very surprised to see the arms were just solid when you think of all the details that go into the uh the rga bengali but yeah but you know what having this angel uh i mean having this uh mass production ava this unit 5 with the wings i think it's a real cool addition to the shelf uh the decals here they're just stickers they're not decals at all so again this you know i thought of maybe just doing this as paint but just to kind of use what comes with the model i applied the stickers i'm wondering also how well they'll age but in the future i can always scrape them off and uh and do some painting i didn't paint all of the models i just will spot paint as you'll see later but for example uh inside the body to kind of simulate the black under layer like like for example in the rg it actually is an inner inner figure with outer armor on it so you get that black that shows through you'll see when i paint it up that those ribs will stand out a little better with some black paint it's looking pretty cool getting the arm decals on and uh the decals are interesting because they've got this because they're paper they've split them so you have to kind of tuck a portion in and over so allows it to around you can see like some of the split details these are just a straight sticker these back vents with it now these two things snap out and that's where the wings can also attach to those back two rubber plugs yeah this is good i'm gonna use some some gundam liner on this for some of the black lines there's a lot of nice black line work here especially around the face so you can see that this would be a perfect model to etch because the the um the plastic is so soft so yes now i'm going to get to painting the painting the wings i didn't spray them i just painted them for now uh but yeah here's my panel liner so you can see this is always satisfying yeah it really pops out the uh the features it's kind of got a sinister almost like a aliens type of xenomorph kind of head you know it's always disturbing to see no eyes right and then these sort of panel lines almost are more like angry features so it's kind of kind of quite sinister looking and threatening it'll look great on the shelf once i build the asakusava unit 2 so next build for sure will be asaka so stay tuned for that like and subscribe if you like what we're doing here also you can check out our links below so um you can join our instagram i post every day on instagram um i've got some podcasts and you know our sister channel we're doing a month long evangelion podcast we're talking about psychology in and end of evangelion we're talking about psychology of the original series of neon genesis evangelion and then also looking at the rebuild of evangelion in the in the light of just like anno has used christianity as sort of a as a gimmick i think he also used psychology as a gimmick and i think it's a great world building tool that he used to help explore that so we explore that in the podcast so if you're interested uh links below to pontas fathom press where we have that weekly podcast so uh evangelion month you guys come in this is pretty satisfying getting the panel liner in the feet and i think uh the rg design really stands out here where you can see you know how they built this as different sections with the different molds colored plastic it's really genius but i gotta say the panel liner is pretty a pretty good second place to get that um that detail of the foot to sort of pop out so pretty pretty fun yeah as you can see i'm not the smoothest panel liner but this is probably my only my second time using panel liner so i'll get better but not bad not bad looks pretty fun all the details really pop now and i think this also makes it look very anime right when you've got this panel liner so uh yeah guys give me your tips below in the comments how to be a better panel liner um do you usually wait to it for dry or i i'm finding like especially in this leg one when i wipe off the excess i'm actually wiping out of the panel so what's the what's the tip to do that the right way uh putting some on this back wing which is kind of like a shield yeah i picked this model up from amazon japan and uh shipping was reasonable the price was reasonable so they still have some of these if you want to go pick one out you can go check out amazon japan i mean you'll play the shipping but it's worth it to get to your collection so uh and the um also looking forward to some other evangelions that are coming up i've got the mark six and then i think they're releasing the another one over christmas uh like the unit three i think it is so i'm looking forward to that one that's on that's on pre-order so yeah so uh yeah let's take a tour of let's take a tour of this mass production ava check out what it looks like with the wings and we'll see at the end so that's going to wrap it up for this video please like and subscribe and check out the links we'll see you in the next video check out the evangelion podcast under their channel and as always thanks a lot for watching guys we'll see you in the next video and talk to you soon take care bye bye
