Battlestar Galactica Boardgame Miniatures Painting - Boardgame and Expansion Minis

Battlestar Galactica Boardgame Miniatures Painting 
Boardgame and Expansion Minis

Welcome to the pontos fathom hobbies video Battlestar Galactica Miniatures Painting - Boardgame and Expansion Minis.  We took all the minis from the main boardgame and expansion and got them tabletop gaming ready in the miniatures painting video. Please like, subscribe, and share and explore the links to support our channel.  We would love to hear from you so please leave a comment.

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welcome back everyone to pontus fathom hobbies this is our miniature painting video for all of the battlestar galactica board game miniatures from the main game and from all the expansion sets so i'm just getting them all out of the boxes here and i'll kind of go through all the minis and then talk about the paint job so here we see the the new and the old raiders i mean they're new in the old vipers raptors base stars heavy raiders the cylon

cylon raiders and the actual cylon miniatures for the when they board the ship so for the the new mark ii vipers these are the ones from pegasus we'll paint those that light blue that sky blue color the old school vipers on galactica will do the white with the red stripe these are the standard raptors probably a gunmetal with some kind of a brown same thing for the enhanced raptors heavy raiders i'll go with the gunmetal this base stars i will do an aluminum with some gundam lining as well as i'll do probably a null oil on aluminum for the cylon raiders

i was thinking to paint them on the uh on cards with some double stick tape but then i'd have to flip them and then with the clips you also have to kind of work around the there's not really a handle to paint them on so whatever you're going to cover with the clips some area will be covered so i went with the clips because they're easy to maneuver and uh you just have to change the clip at some point so one coat with the clip move the clip and then paint another coat so you can see that the stylum baster has some nice detail in it this will look great with a metallic aluminum and then some gundam lining to highlight the black uh panel lines for the vipers i think i'll probably use a white with some kind of metallic fleck in it just to give it a spaceship look but i'll also use the red i'll do like a red lining probably using a like a gundam marker and for the newer versions of the

uh oh yeah for the cylon raiders these will also be probably an aluminum color and i'll use like a known oil to get the details and to pop out the details and make it really uh accentuate the depth of the model detail the miniature detail the cylons i'll chrome them up with an aluminum trying to get them to look metallic i think that would look good uh maybe leave the bases metallic as well for the raptors i will use probably mix a bit of mix of a gun metal with a sort of a brown or khaki to kind of give it that military look and obviously the new pegasus vipers will be that sky blue color and i'll probably use some kind of lining to also accentuate the the panel lines

so uh what i'll do next is i will go through the paints i'm going to use and we can check those paints out so as you guys know i use a skull collar paints and first i'll kind of go with the gunmetal this will be for the heavy raiders for the raptors and the advanced raptors i may add a touch of gold into it just to lighten up the gunmetal and keep the metallic flex so that's for those and then i will probably use a lot of aluminum for the raiders for the base ships uh i'll use the blue and the light blue to paint the up upgraded vipers and i'll probably go for a sky blue color so mostly white with just a touch of blue and i'll make enough of it so that i i'll use this extra paint mixer to mix it up these are pretty handy so if you guys use those give me a comment about that and also if you've painted these battlestar galactica miniatures i'd like to see your your video so leave me a link in the comments and check that out and

i think for the viper like i was mentioning for the old school vipers i will put a touch of aluminum for these just to it'll be white but just to give it a few metallic flakes i will mix in a bit of that and this will be for the um modern vipers so you're mixing up the white and aluminum for the old-school vipers just a little bit because there's not many many to airbrush so get that kind of mixed in and that'll give a good texture to it also have that metallic kind of look to it and i can probably get away with the two quick coats on it so it's mostly white but have some flecks in it i think that's going to work out great these mixing bottles work out very well so

so okay it's great so i'll get the the the airbrush set up and um get the paint in the airbrush and we'll get over to the booth which is a cardboard box but get that over there and get these painted so see in a little bit

i decided to paint the aluminum first because i can go from aluminum to gunmetal and then i don't have to clean the airbrush so i can just kind of uh just basically keep spraying so i'm going to start with all of the pieces that will be aluminum which will be the cylon raiders the cylon figures and the base stars so just a quick time lapse of me painting these and then we'll switch over to so yes it's a quick quick video i've kind of gone through and done all the painting here so you can see the different colors i've uh got the vipers

painted i got the cylon raiders of the gunmetal i've got the

the raptors painted with that gunmetal with a bit of brown in it so it kind of came out pretty good

here's some close-ups of some of the figures probably after the second coat here i've moved the clip around so that we could cover all the angles

so yeah this is a bluish tint uh wash this is a shade a nightshade and i will use that it's from citadel i use this on the new vipers to kind of get the details to jump out

and then i'll use known oil

i'm going to use that to kind of give a wash to the to the base stars

i thought i was going to do the gundam marker uh panel liner but i think this works pretty well just do a quick wash and it sinks into the panel line so i'm happy how it came out you'll see at the end

you can see the wash on this raptor here brings out the details i also play sprayed the windows and the hand painted the windows and the jets and here i'm just putting some panel liner on the viper

with the red marker then i'll clear coat all these to sort of lock it all in so i think that this is much easier than trying to paint this

and now after everything is dried i'm kind of going through and just doing some touch-ups with the panel liner and uh getting these all ready for a final clear coat just sort of getting them off the getting them off the sticks and off the clips and then i will transfer them to like a cardboard sheet so let's take a quick look at them

before the clear coat and then we can see them after the clear coat i want to do another coat of these reds some of them weren't dark enough so i'll touch those up you see the new cylon vipers new raiders the new raptors the heavy raiders look great in gunmetal and the cylon raiders with aluminum the base stars with the panel lines it's pretty good and the finally the cylons chromed up and i've also used the known oil on them as well to make it a check out the details here and then everything goes in for a clear coat i'll show you that

so let's close up on some of the figures after the clear coat here's the raptor

the window painted

with the back jets painted

stand out a little bit they look better than the gray pieces the base stars look really great you can see the line panel lining from the distance and the vipers look really good with the clear coat on them and the the line blue window and also the jets in the back you can see there's a little bit of metallic in there and i use some weathering to give them the age look

and the base stars really pop now look very impressive and that's just the wash much easier than the panel liner the the cylon raiders also

with the little null oil as well and aluminum

and the heavy raiders with gunmetal and also with a wash to weather them and also highlight the features and the cylons with aluminum and a wash to kind of give you the features

and that's going to do it so thanks for watching everyone uh please like and subscribe check out the links below we've got game plays for battlestar galactica i will be putting these on the table and you guys can check those out please go ahead and share in the comments if you've painted yours or send a link would like to check it out and thanks for watching bye
