Battlestar Galactica Boardgame Season One - Gameplay Playlist

Battlestar Galactica Boardgame Season One - Gameplay Playlist

Welcome to pontos fathom hobbies playlist videos for Battlestar Galactica Boardgame Season One Gameplay Walkthrough. We are playing a 6 player simulated game featuring Adama, Baltar, Saul, Starbuck, Boomer, and Chief.  If you like the content please like and subscribe and ring the bell to get notifications. Please check out the links below to support the channel.

The first turn of our battlestar galactica board game playthrough uh we've just gone and done the game setup in our last video so we've got the rules of play handy here we will do a quick recap of the setup the characters that we've played if you want to go back and watch that video you can check back in the playlist to the first video and then we'll get on to turn one uh before we do a quick shout out to pontos fathom press our other channel where we're featuring book 1 and 2 of the quantum locksmith saga dead sons 11 and locksmith quanta by william a mitchell let's read from dead sons 11 back cover at the end of time galaxies and stars have long since dissipated and the universe is dying eleven heroes each from a long distance extinct civilization are reanimated with a single purpose to reboot the dying universe under the dull infrared glow of starless space a mysterious race of sentient black holes beings the arabos on the verge of a civil war prepare for the coming end but when the eleven discovered that the erebos intend to double-cross them they begin their own plans to live at all costs dead sons eleven the first book of the quantum locksmith saga is authored by william mitchell published by pontus fathom press and we've got the sequel also the locksmith of quanta so please check out those links below and our patreon to support us you can also like share subscribe and ring the bell which helps us to build this channel so that we can do some live streams and really uh looking for your comments below okay so let's do a quick recap of setup as you guys can see we've got the admiral admiral adama he's already got his card uh drawn he does not have his resource does not have his uh skill deck drawn yet that will happen in turn one but he has his he does have his uh cylon card his uh trader card what do they call it in the game sorry i'm blanking on it it's called loyalty card so he's got his loyalty card guys baltar is president he's got his two loyalty cards he starts with two he's also got his um he's also has his skill cards picked from his list cara thrace the pilot saul thai military leader chief galen support and boomer larry all of them have already gotten their loyalty cards just to make it kind of interesting for us to watch obviously this is not a real game it's not as fun as battlestar galactic is with six players we'll keep those hidden from us all and when we get around to someone calling out a traitor i'll try to do that as best as i can as entertainingly as possibly we'll reveal it to all of us so it kind of gives us a little bit of mystery as myself and for the viewers so let me know if that works for you guys uh maybe if we get to a season two of this we can do it a different way but um definitely have picked these out characters that are missing just to quickly maybe route through that is uh we've got


uh tom zarrick laura roslin and hilo uh leave me a comment below if you'd like to see me do a season two where i i i swap out some of these guys for i think it would be great to have a tom zerek in a rosalind showdown maybe we can just swap out a few of the characters for them i went with the my favorite characters i guess for this this play through but happy to play another version of it so everything else we've got these cards set up here got the crisis deck i'm going to give that a quick shuffle here crisis deck is huge in battlestar galactica

guys let me know if you want me to do i know there's plenty of videos out there for battlestar galactica rules and play through it's been a while for me so i'm going to definitely just kind of go through it as a as we go but if you'd like to see that set up um and how to play i could do one of those videos as well so let me know in the comment okay so also we have boards set up we've got the two vipers already launched they've got a base star up ahead three cylons we've got commander adama's nukes that we can just give him let's put him up here his nukes we can go through all the different characters and their powers on their turn we also have pilot tokens so we'll put a carathrace has got her pilot token so when she launches a viper um hilo and hilo and apollo are out but sharon also gets the sharon token so just leave these on their card and then we can kind of manage everyone on the on the left panel here let me start the right-hand panel okay so let's start out with um commander adama so commander odama let's just give him a quick uh so it's turn one starting we've got the uh all the settings already set on our um on the galactica so fuel is at eight food is at eight morale is at ten and population is at twelve let's get into the play so we've got commander dhamma when the first fleet jumps you draw two destination cards and choose one uh launch one nuke at a base star the nuke is removed from the game you control the nuke token so we've given him the nuke tokens and inspirational leader when you draw a crisis card all strength skill cards count positive for the skill check so his commanding authority once per game after resolving a skill check

instead of discarding the used skill cards draw them into your hand and lastly you may not activate the admiral quarters location that's emotionally attached okay so let's start out with player turn one receive skills step so draw skill cards according to your skills revealed silent players draw two skills of any type so that's fine that's adama he gets three leadership so one two three and he gets two tactics one two

and we can place these with a dharma let's see what he's got so for adama she starts out with

uh launch scout

strategic planning execute order executive order uh executive order and executive order so he's got these


move to any location if moving to another ship you must discard one skill card so movement step commander adama can move to any

any uh do a movement so he's going to move to command uh he'll move to command

uh next is uh

he's not moving to another ship just moving to command so he is on the uh he is at the command of galactica let's go to action step activate your location or use a card that costs an action so let's check out his cards that he has

so he has

so he doesn't have a card that costs an action

okay um so we can do a skill check

play before any die roll to add two to the results this is a tactics role leadership role choose any other player he may move his character and then take one action or okay so that's fine so i think adam is okay for now launch a nuke at a base star the nuke is removed from the game on a roll of 1-2 damage the base star twice

okay so i believe we should nuke the base star here uh three to six destroys the base star seven eight destroys the base star and three raiders okay so let's have him launch why not just let's launch a nuke against the base star

right so that's his action step um

so we get that launch one nuke at a base star right and then we get to do a roll so let's see how this works so we've already using up one nuke we get a four three to six destroys the bath star so we have destroyed the base star

bay star is destroyed we'll take that off so we've used a nuke we've destroyed a base star uh then um we're gonna activate our crisis card so let's pull the top card off the crisis deck and we get 33. instructions activate a cylon

one base star two vipers and four civilian ships

okay so let's keep this in play until a base star has been destroyed so we activate the base star our base star is destroyed but we have to put in some civilian ships so let's put in some civilian ships here here and here we're going to change this to this like that and we've got the two set up and we have to activate a cylon relentless pursuit keep this card in play until a civilian ship a base star is destroyed this card is in play when the fleet jumps shuffle it back into the crisis deck so let's just leave this up here for now oh the other thing is we are going to activate our cobalt card uh resolve when the following distance is uh traveled so we have an eight distance that we have to travel okay uh so we got the 33 in uh keep this card in place special rule is relentless pursuit so let's read relentless pursuit


just let's re reveal that relentless


okay so we can prepare for our next one is we've got the crisis step resolved uh or set crisis card in play activate sideline ship steps trips are active according to the crisis card so we've activated this one and we'll have him move

to move toward the nearest ship so he's going to move toward the nearest ship and act and attack a viper in the area or move towards a nearest civil civilian ship attack so we've got a viper locking this in so we've got one viper and one one in play so we can do an attack table

and attack galactica so we activate cylon ship one cylon ship two activates to go to galactica and cylon ship

um moves towards if tied move clock clockwise so it moves to collect attack galactica okay so let's have them attack table uh so we're gonna roll first cylon attack on galactica we get a two

uh nothing is misses the second one attacks we get a five galactica takes damage

and we use a damage icon

so damage token to galactica

so we move a resource which is food so the the the food resource is removed

so we can roll this back to seven and

remove this token from the game i'm just gonna throw it into the box

and then um we go on to the next attack which is the cylon versus the uh civilian ship he rolls a three

oh automatically destroyed so we automatically destroy this civilian ship and we lose a three population

and fuel one so this is a blow for galactica we can take this token back out of play and that is the cylon attack now we're going to prepare for jump step if the crisis card has jump icon on it it does not so we have to wait to destroy the base star so we've already destroyed this bay star so this is out of play now

and uh that is commander adama's turn so prepare the jump steps we don't have a jump step if the mark's in the track then jump the fleet we do not have a jump step so that is where we stay

uh so we didn't jump the fleet and we draw two cards if we do so that's where we are right now uh let's go to gaia's baltar's turn so this is already exciting so a commandos adama's first nuke launch destroys the base star he has one nuke left uh he is now his turn is now over and

let's move to gaius baltar so now guys baltar's turn again he can select his cards so guys baltar gets two politics one leadership and one engineering so let's check out his additional deck now

he can draw two skill cards of any type he can repair current location he can so he's got two repairs you can move any other player doing executive order in the turn uh guys baltar's uh situations are after you draw a crisis card draw one skill card of your choice it can be outside your skill set cylon detector once per game you may look at all loyalty cards belonging to another player as an action uh coward you start the game with two loyalty cards instead of one at the start of the game he draws one quorum card you control the hand of quorum cards draw a quorum card into your hand so he gets to draw a quorum card and the quorum card is arrest order choose a character and send it to the brig then discard this card so he can play this later this is his quorum card he can prepare for that okay doesn't need to do it right now that's an optional action of his so okay so uh guys baltar has done his card turn let's have him go into the um movement step so guys baltar will i think he will

stay in the research lab and as his action step he will draw one engineering or one skill card one tactic so let's have him draw an engineering card repair repair your current location or if you're in the hangar deck so you can keep this one as an additional card and then action step activate your location or use a card that costs an action so uh he has completed crisis step let's have him draw the top crisis card and he gets legendary disaster the aerial survey turned up evidence of at least one city on the stop on the surface place this card next to the cobalt objective card

it counts as one distance so if we pass we um we get one distance closer and if we fail we lose one food and destroy one raptor so this is an important one to pass so let's see for our pass so for our past let's check this out

so basically for a crisis card we need to play a skill starting with a player from the left they may play any of his skill cards to hand face down the pile

um so let's check what his skill cards is where he can do a skill check

so he can do a number of uh skill checks here so


okay two cards in the destiny deck are dealt into a common pile so that's two cards from the destiny deck here are drawn into a common pile

right and then uh the player to the current player's left plays two skill cards into the plot pile so that would be commander adama so he can play two skills into the pile

so he's going to do

add 2 to the results

okay so he's going to add his card into the pile and then

he'll also do executive order

you can resolve the skills check now so okay we we check these cards so now we resolve uh let me resolve this

so in the crisis card the skill type is

leadership and strategic planning

is four and this is five six seven okay so uh both piles are the non-matching pile total of three is subtracted from the matching pile of six prov proving the final result of three so matching result is five non-matching result is five six seven

uh the skills pass is 14. the skill pass is one so we have passed that uh and placed this card and it counts as one distance so we are able to count one distance on this and then we can discard this card so we place this next to it we did pass so we are one step closer to jump preparation for cobalt correct

so we got the one here so let's pl leave this one here we've got one more step closer

okay so that and then these get discarded great okay uh then next phase is the uh we did the crisis step we activate cylon ship step cylon ships are activated the active crisis card is here still um this card has been played when the fleet jumps shuffle it back and so this is the 33 center which you guys know from the from the series uh this is where they had to reset the clocks every 33 minutes so let's see this viper will attack a viper in the area so this one can be here and then these two can move toward a nearest civilian ship here and then move toward the nearest civilian ship here and then four is attack galactica so i think we only have one attack which is this viper on this raider so let's roll that

okay we get a six the viper is damaged so let's just place a viper damaged

token here on this viper

and that's that's the end of the that move and then prepare for jump step if the crisis card has a jump icon on it no

it does not have a jump icon

it does not have a jump icon so that is the end of our turn next round we've got a

uh next round is for cara thrace so okay so guys baltar's turn is done he um kind of gets us going toward the legendary discovery of cobalt we're one step closer to that

and we leave that there so the next one is cara thrace expert pilot when you start your turn piloting a viper you may take two actions during your action phase instead of one so i think she will do that she will pilot her viper she will also select her cards so she's got two piloting two tactics and one leadership so those are her cards in play now

so she's got a number of cards here that she can work from and she will uh do her movement step so she is already in the hangar so she does not need to move and then she will do a crisis card or her action step will actually be to launch in the viper so she will launch a viper and we'll just move her token here and we'll take her so she's launched a viper and she's going to go off and fight as well she can take an additional action where she will move to fight the vipers okay so

now she can do her action step so she will attack so uh

she can do attack with her viper so let's have her attack so for viper attack she will roll

from the table

check it out here attack table so unit attacked is a cylon raider she rolls a seven the cylon is destroyed so characterise destroys a viper okay so that's good news uh for cara next phase is the crisis step so now we get to pick her crisis card and crisis card reveal is

the olympic carrier you have new orders we've detected to destroy the olympic character and return to galactica sharon valeri it's a civilian ship karath race pass no effect okay so the olympic carrier has an eight so let's just leave this up here for olympic carrier uh so to pass that check we will do the following again passing a check we will do

first we pick the cards for the pick the card for the skill check so skill check we will read the card we will play from the destiny deck so take two cards from the destiny deck face down together and then karath race will then include her cards and she is able to include any cards she is able to include any cards from her deck but mostly in the launch scout cards so let's give her this ability to put these

and we will put these together and then we will mix them into

two groups so the two groups we have here are five six seven pass no effect okay so these are discarded uh it's less than eight so eight plus would be population negative one so we can discard also our olympic carrier so we do not need to destroy the ship and it's good news for us so we move on from the crisis and um

activate cylon ship step so the cylons will attack again in order attack a viper in an area if unmanned attack to this viper move toward a ship and attack so we move toward that ship is the is the turn this one will attack this viper when attacking that we get a six it is damaged and uh again so damaged viper

and that is the attack room and prepare for the jump step if the crisis card has a jump icon on it oh let's see if it did it does have a jump icon we can advance the marker one space in the jump preparation task so we can move that one step and that's good news

and that is the end of carathrace's turn okay let's move down to saul thai so saul also gets two leadership and two tactics cards three tactics so here's a number of cards here

okay cylon hatred when a player activates the admiral's quarter location you may choose to reduce the difficulty by three declare martial law action once per game the president give the president title to the admiral at the start of any player's turn if you have exactly one skill card in your hand you must discard it okay so that's good to know movement step uh move to any location so he will stay in this in the maybe he will move to the ftl control to prepare this fleet for the jump uh

so he can jump in the next turn so he'll just move here to prep for that

an action step activate your location or use a card that costs an action so let's see what he can use so he will he will use his declare martial law action and give the president title to the admiral so he's taking the president title to the admiral stripping it from gaius baltar just to do it uh so that's his declare martial law act he gets a crisis card

oh and the crisis card has also declared martial law the government cannot function in the current circumstances i have decided to dissolve the quorum of 12. it hasn't oh this is good luck it's like solitaire just does it anyway uh and and admirable chooses minus one admiral chooses minus one morale and the admiral receives the president title or minus one population and the animal discards two skill cards uh let's since we have plenty of morale let's lower the morale by one and uh we'll do that we're activating cylons so we have an asylum activation here so we can go with that no jump so to finish our 33 out

the attack on the civilian ship shows us minus two population which is not good and they attack the ship the other viper

doing a 7 which damages this viper again so this is not good for us populations down to seven and that will wrap up saul ty's turn chief galen chief galen tyrell turn is next let's have a quick look at the chiefs cards and the chief will also

get to gain one politics card two leadership cards

two engineering cards so he adds these to his deck

okay so next round for the chief is movement step chief will stay in the hangar

for now

all right actually he can move to the weapons control and destroy one style on ship so let's have him do that he will move to weapons control and he will activate attack one cylon ship with the galactica so that's a good so his action step is he activates his space he will do he will activate galactica's weapons and attack one ship so galactica attacks one cylon ship

so he will attack and gets uh six which is the cylon is destroyed so this cylon crater is destroyed so that is good um he also can do a

uh action step he's done that so now it's a crisis step we move to the crisis cards prisoner revolt uh so tom zerick does show up in a weird way so before i release my captives i demand the immediate resignation of laura roslin and her ministers so tom zerick has a uh

a attack here so chief galen goes back to person on his left which would be saul thai salty is going to look through to do his attack and he will put these in so again we're going to bundle these up and check out the results and this is the

one two three four five so pass no effect uh

pass no effect so the prisoner result is thwarted and it says if there's a pass no effect and the other ones minus one population or fail remove the prisoner title but because we have a pass we also we also see that there's a jump on this card so we can move our jump into the jump preparation so now we're in jump preparation it's a minus three to the roll one more we can jump so i think that is going to wrap up for uh prepare for jump preparation chief galen tyrell has wrapped up his turn lastly it is but not leastly it's sharon boomer valeri she is a pilot with her experts in recon at the end of your turn you may look at the top card of the crisis deck and place it on the top or bottom she has mysterious intention once per game before resolving a skill check on a crisis card choose the result pass or fail instead of resolving it not normally so she has kind of a mysterious intuition and then sleeper agent during the sleeper agent phase you are dealt two loyalty cards instead of one and then move to the brig prison okay so she has got the sleeper agent so i think she will grab her card so two tactics two piloting one engineering and she's got a number of cards now

her cards guys i'll leave a comment down below if i'm doing something wrong with this uh and let's go through into the next step is the movement phase so she will uh she will move to the hanger deck for action phases she will activate uh an action to pilot a um

she will uh activate a viper

right so she will attack with the viper

um and she will launch into the space to finish off that last so in her action step she launches from this tube and she will um

she will get to take her action but it's only that launching right so she can launch as her movement and she moved to the hanger deck and then she and then she may take one more action so she launches action one and she will attack action two so the unit attacked is the cylon so let's hope she gets this and six the cylon raider is destroyed all the cylons are destroyed for this turn let's grab her crisis card so her crisis card is water shortage i think you and i can come up with some kind of understanding this is not the only crisis i'm dealing with the water shortage affects the entire fleet president's chooses minus one to food or the president discards two skill cards and the current player discards three skill cards okay we're going to go with that one so boomer will discard three skill cards

one two

three and

president discards two skill cards adama will

get rid of two skill cards and this saves us from losing food and we get to move our jump calculator calculation up to -1 so maybe we can jump next next turn so and this also helps us clear out the 33 is now ended so our water shortage is ended the 33 is ended and we are at the end of turn one so all of our players have gone we've blown up a tactical nuke destroyed one of the base stars we have no insight into the who are cylons just yet but don't worry it's just the start of the game uh thank you guys for watching uh please subscribe and like and click on turn two in the corner and we'll see you there okay talk to you soon
